Bolt Heater HY-CYQ-2.4-380/3 China offers OEM electric heater 2.4kw 380V

The Bolt Heater HY-CYQ-2.4-380/3 is used for heating oil in the EH oil tank, with a power of 2.4kW and a voltage of 380V...


HY-GYY-1.2-380V/3 China made EH fuel tank electric Bolt Heater element

When the EH fuel tank electric Bolt Heater element HY-GYY-2.4-380V/3 of the heating element works to the Fatigue limit and is damaged....


HZQW-03A Turbine Rotation Speed Bolt Monitor

China HZQW-03A Turbine Rotation Speed Bolt Monitor Manufacturer. Yoyik makes high quality rotational speed monitor for power plant steam turbines....

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